How to Prepare for a Facelift

How to Prepare for a Facelift

How to Prepare for a Facelift


Preparation ahead of any cosmetic procedure is key. Not only does this help you know what to expect afterward, which can alleviate some of the anxiety and apprehension you may feel about going under the knife, but it can also ensure that you do the right things to improve your rate of recovery, minimize your risk of complications and achieve the best possible cosmetic outcome from the procedure.


Here are our top tips on how to prepare for your facelift procedure.


Quit Smoking

One of the most important things that you can do to prepare for your facelift surgery is to quit smoking, ideally at least 6-8 weeks ahead of your procedure. As your surgeon will no doubt inform you, smoking significantly increases the risks associated with any surgical procedure, including a facelift. It also slows the rate of healing, meaning it could take much longer for you to recover from your treatment.


Stop taking any medication as advised by your surgeon

When you attend your consultation, your surgeon will ask you about any medications that you currently take. If there is any risk associated with them that could affect your procedure, you may be advised to stop taking them a certain amount of time ahead of your facelift. Alternatively, you may need to speak to your family doctor to see if an alternative drug is available to take instead. You will also be advised to avoid taking aspirin and blood-thinning medication at least a week before your facelift as these could increase the likelihood of excessive bleeding during and after your procedure.


Plan for a ride home

A facelift is an invasive procedure and is nearly always performed under general anesthetic. This means that you will not be able to drive yourself home since it can take up to 24 hours for the effects of the anesthetic to wear off. Your face will also be heavily bandaged and swollen, and this may compromise your vision. As such, you should make sure that you have organized for someone to drive you home.


Arrive with a completely clean face

Although your face will be wiped with a surgical solution ahead of your procedure, it is very helpful if you arrive for your procedure with a clean face. All traces of cosmetics should be cleaned away, and your face should be washed with no trace of moisturizer or any other product.


Schedule sufficient time off of work

You will not be able to not feel like returning to work particularly quickly after your facelift procedure. Exactly how long you will need to take off will depend on the type of job that you do, but you need to allow yourself sufficient time to recover. Most patients will need to schedule at least two weeks away from work, which will also allow time for the swelling and any bruising to subside meaning that there are little or no signs of your surgery.


Make life easier at home

Since you need to give yourself time to rest and heal when you return home, it is helpful if you prepare for the early days of your recovery when you might not feel up to tasks such as preparing meals or housework. Try to make sure that there are no outstanding chores that absolutely need to be done on your return, prepare and freeze some healthy, balanced meals, and stock up on books, magazines, or other entertainment. If you have children or pets that need care, organize for someone to support you with this for at least the first few days until you are better able to manage. And stock up on over-the-counter pain medications as you may be in some discomfort when you first come home.



For more advice on how to prepare for a facelift, or to schedule a consultation to discuss your suitability for this procedure, please contact our discreet and knowledgeable team.