What to Expect From a VI Peel

What to Expect From a VI Peel

What to Expect From a VI Peel

As you know, your skin loses its elasticity as you age. You may notice the first signs of aging as early as the age of 25. Several changes to your skin become apparent at this time or later. These include fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Your skin becomes dull and less smooth. Are you looking for a non-surgical and non-invasive way to rejuvenate your skin? You might want to consider Vitality Institute (VI) Peel, a type of chemical peel effective at retaining the radiance of your skin. If you're wondering how this beauty treatment works, read on to find out what you can expect from a VI Peel.


The Process


VI Peel is an effective skin treatment that involves the use of a chemical solution to safely remove the damaged layers of your skin. A qualified aesthetician or medical doctor can perform VI Peel on any skin type or color. The solution may be used on your face, neck, chest, back, arms, and legs. It's also worth mentioning that VI Peel is currently the only chemical peel deemed safe for the undereye area. 


Your aesthetician or doctor will apply the chemical solution to your skin topically. This usually takes about half an hour. You may feel slight stinging on your skin during application. This slight discomfort is normal, and you can expect it to subside quickly. The peel is then left to dry for about five hours, which you can wash at home.


You may go back to your regular activities following your treatment. But it's highly recommended that you don't exercise or engage in strenuous activities until you've washed off the solution. You may wear makeup before and after your VI Peel, but not during application. Your skin will start to peel around the third day. You may cover the peeling skin by applying a skin moisturizer. Avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight during the peeling process. You will likely notice the improvements in your skin within just a few days following the procedure. 


You may schedule your VI Peel treatment every two weeks until you achieve the outcome you've been wishing for. In many cases, an initial session followed by two or a few more peels in a year is often enough to maintain the desired results. 


Are You an Ideal Candidate for VI Peel?


You may be a good candidate for VI Peel treatment if you have fair to medium skin tone and need to reverse the early signs of aging, heal acne, and improve mild to moderate cases of skin damage. VI Peel may result in hyperpigmentation in people who have a darker skin color. So, you must consult with a qualified practitioner to determine if VI Peel is right for you. 


Are you looking for a painless skin treatment that requires minimal downtime? Learn more about VI Peel and other beauty procedures with Alan Matarasso, MD, FACS, PC. Call our clinic today in New York, New York, at (212) 249-7500 to make an appointment.